63710 | Visit the town

Blason de la ville

Its postal code : 63710, his county : Puy de Dôme, its region : Auvergne, you will localize it easyly with geographic coordinates : 45° 35? 17? North / 2° 59? 34? East. The city is divided into two localities : Saint-Nectaire top (Highest point : 1011m) Saint-Nectaire bottom (the minimum altitude : 609m).

But to really know the city, the best thing to do is to go there, to visit in all its nooks and enjoy its many possibilities (33,26 km2). Heritage, culture, relaxation, sport, everything is there, only the cheese is take away.

Browse the famous monuments of the city, participate in one of the guided tours or stroll freely and wander the streets of this authentic village. Once there, Learn all, and not miss anything, Go immediatly to the tourist office, it will guide you according to your expectations. A site for that information or those wishing to discover area.

The tourist office

The tourist office in the city of Saint Nectaire offers many types of recreational activities such, sports, cultural…

The Roman church

The Romanesque church of Saint Nectaire 12th century, this is certainly one of the most beautiful Auvergne region.

Gospel in the city

The 9 December : Happy birthday to all Nectaire ! But do you know why ? s??.n?k.t?? it is a place, a dairy product, but it is also a name, a name and a Saint. A little etymology, Nectaire : Male name, that comes

Visit the bats

Join the night walk “bat” with the tourist office of Saint Nectaire, the meeting is given to you from 20h in the evening of the visit, remember to book (A SINGLE AND UNIQUE DATE IN THE SUMMER).

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